The Monthly Gem Offer allows users to buy a Gem package with the additional benefit of receiving reduced daily Bonus Gems as a loyalty reward for a period of 30 days.
To take advantage of this Monthly Gem Offer, go to the Shop and scroll down until you see the banner that offers you “Gems every day for a month”. After you have confirmed your purchase, you will immediately receive the number of gems that is advertised as ‘Right Now’ in the offer.
Furthermore, the text of the original offer banner will change to ‘Collect Gems’. To receive your daily Bonus Gems, make sure to tap the button every day. Once done, a timer will indicate when you will be able to claim your next batch of daily Bonus Gems.
Important notes:
- Be sure to claim your Bonus Gems on a daily base! Should you miss collecting your Gems on a specific day, those Gems will be lost.
- In case you are not connected to the Internet when trying to collect Gems, the claim button will be greyed out. In that case, please go online and try claiming your Gems again.
After 30 days, once you have collected all your Bonus Gems, the banner will return to its original state. The Monthly Gem Card is not a subscription and will automatically expire after said 30 days. If you want to take advantage of the offer again, you have to manually reorder the Card.